

No-Cost Spay Surgeries Thanks to You!

Jun 2, 2023

No-Cost Spay Surgeries for People and Pets Facing Homelessness

Alongside Maricopa County’s homeless services, The Arizona Pet Project supports pet owners facing homelessness by providing no-cost spay surgeries and other preventative, life-saving veterinary services.

The Arizona Pet Project team met a man holding two beautiful cats during homeless outreach. We learned that months back, he came upon a stray pregnant mama, and he and his partner helped her birth two kittens: the sweet, friendly cats he cradled in his arms.

He and his partner bottle-fed the kittens, cared for them and their mom every day, and their family grew!

A loving cat dad, who would do anything to protect and provide for his feline family members, was so grateful when he learned that The Arizona Pet Project team would provide him with no-cost spay surgeries for all of his cats! 

He wanted us to express his gratitude to you for supporting The Arizona Pet Project’s mission to reduce the number of cats entering shelters by providing resources (like free spay and neuter surgery) to families in need across Arizona!

Support for Pet Owners Facing Homelessness

The Arizona Pet Project believes all families deserve the chance to have happy, healthy pets. That’s why we’re committed to supporting our community and providing preventative and life-saving care to people and their pets—free from judgment through homeless outreach across Phoenix. 

In every study conducted on unsheltered people with pets, the data is clear — the pet’s needs are placed ahead of the person. This includes food, medical attention, and safeguards against extreme weather.

The benefits of pet ownership for those without housing are also clear. They provide a sense of purpose, unconditional love and belonging. As well as increased safety, mental and physical health benefits, and reduced substance use.

But accessing supplies and veterinary care while living on the streets is hard. You may have heard about an area in Downtown Phoenix called  “the Zone,” which is home to nearly 1,000 unsheltered people and many pets. It’s a stark reminder of the difficulties facing many in Arizona. This is where our organization launched our program focused on reaching those experiencing homelessness. 

Supporting our unhoused neighbors and their beloved dogs and cats with accessible resources, including no-cost spay surgeries, free vaccines, pet food, supplies, and urgent veterinary care, isn’t just the right thing to do. It gives our team so much joy! 

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