Preventative Shots for Crystal’s Furry Family Member

Preventative Shots for Crystal’s Furry Family Member

Thank You for Helping People and Pets Facing Homelessness! Our team met Crystal and her dog at André House, a ministry to unhoused people in Downtown Phoenix, during community outreach. We learned that Crystal had been trying to save up to afford to get her dog Parvo...
No-Cost Spay Surgeries Thanks to You!

No-Cost Spay Surgeries Thanks to You!

No-Cost Spay Surgeries for People and Pets Facing Homelessness Alongside Maricopa County’s homeless services, The Arizona Pet Project supports pet owners facing homelessness by providing no-cost spay surgeries and other preventative, life-saving veterinary...
Dog Food and a New Toy for Laurie and Snickerdoodle

Dog Food and a New Toy for Laurie and Snickerdoodle

Thank you for helping Laurie and Snickerdoodle! During community outreach at André House, a community center for those experiencing homelessness in Phoenix, The Arizona Pet Project team met Laurie and her best friend, Snickerdoodle. Laurie was overjoyed to meet with...
Tommie is Facing Homelessness with Her Dogs by Her Side

Tommie is Facing Homelessness with Her Dogs by Her Side

Homelessness is a daily struggle, but Tommie finds solace in her beloved pets, who give her the strength to carry on. While facing homelessness with her dogs by her side, she is determined to give them a better future because they are her family and support system....
Shelter Intervention for Ann and Robert’s Dogs

Shelter Intervention for Ann and Robert’s Dogs

As dog parents to three lovable pups, Robert and Ann faced an impossible decision when they lost their rental because the landlord had stopped making payments, resulting in foreclosure. With no pet-friendly housing options, they were faced with the grim reality of...