

No-Cost Surgery for Chip and Chapo

Oct 4, 2022

Neuter Surgeries for Chip and Chapo

Meet Chip and Chapo! This twinning duo was just one of the several families we met during The Arizona Pet Project’s community clinic. 

Chip and Chapo’s mom knew that in order to keep her pups healthy and prevent ‘oops’ litters, she needed to have them neutered. The only problem was she simply did not have the funds to do it. When she heard about The Arizona Pet Project free spay and neuter clinics, she contacted us and made an appointment.

Our clients who attend our no-cost community wellness clinics, like Chip and Chapo’s mom, are our partners in life-saving–they know how preventative spay/neuter can have an impact on preventing pet homelessness right here on our streets.

Many animals are born in Arizona to accidental litters and end up in Maricopa County shelters where they face an uncertain future. But there is a way we can prevent this! How? By providing free spay and neuter clinics, we are able to help reduce the number of “oops litters” and prevent overcrowding and euthanasia in our community.

This is exactly why The Arizona Pet Project has been committed to free surgeries since 2005!

When you donate to The Arizona Pet Project, you extend a helping hand to families and pets in need in our community. Thank you for your compassion to support families and save pets! 


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