

Providing Veteran Pet Care Support in Arizona | Frank and Bruno’s Story

Sep 23, 2024

The Arizona Pet Project provides veteran pet care support in Arizona thanks to grant funding from the Disabled Veterans National Foundation!

Frank and Bruno’s Story

A frightening, late-night altercation turned Frank’s life upside down.

While he and his dog stood inside the elevator, Frank sensed something was about to happen to them. When the elevator doors began to open, one of Frank’s neighbor’s off-leash dogs rushed toward them.

His loyal dog, Bruno, lunged at the aggressive dog to protect his owner.

While Bruno was protecting Frank, he became injured. Back in their apartment, Frank began tending to Bruno’s wounds.

His furry family member had a quarter-sized wound on his little chest. As time passed and Bruno’s wound grew and showed no signs of healing, Frank knew Bruno needed veterinary care. And fast!

As a veteran, Frank knows how to utilize his VA resources.

When he reached out to his support system for guidance, thankfully, the team at Save the Family referred him to The Arizona Pet Project, and our social worker was able to help!

Through grant funding from the Disabled Veterans National Foundation, The Arizona Pet Project was able to help Frank and Bruno, ensuring Bruno received veteran care and provided Frank with peace of mind!

Before our team met Frank and Bruno, Frank was at a crossroads: use the funds he had to cover the cost of his rent in VA subsidized housing, or, use his funds to bring Bruno to the vet. 

Veteran Pet Care Support in Arizona

There are over 450,000 veterans living in Arizona. And tragically, many veterans face similar circumstances Frank did–faced with choosing between caring for himself, or caring for his animal companion.

Pets are crucial for many veterans!

Having Bruno around reduces Frank’s signs of depression, and he considers him family! Countless studies have revealed astounding data supporting the fact that having an animal companion around improves physical and mental health!

Thanks to grant funding from the Disabled Veterans National Foundation, The Arizona Pet Project will help even more veteran pet families like Frank and Bruno with case management, temporary boarding, urgent veterinary care, housing support, pet food, and supplies!

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