

Emergency Pet Vaccine Assistance for Families in Crisis

Aug 2, 2024

Gloria, her children, and their dog, Frosty, were facing eviction when their apartment management demanded their dog’s vaccines be up-to-date.

This urgent need for emergency pet vaccine assistance was a stark reminder of the precarious situation many families find themselves in.

Imagine surviving and escaping a domestic violence situation and finally securing safe shelter for your family, only to be told that you, your children, and your animal companion would soon be evicted from your apartment because of vaccines!

This is the position Gloria was in when we met her and her family.

What was the estimated cost for these emergency pet vaccines? $25.

While $25 is manageable for many of us, some families like Gloria’s are barely scraping by and making impossible choices to cover unexpected costs, especially when you are given no time to save up for the expense.

The clock was ticking for Gloria and her family.

Gloria lives with a disability, and while her income is fixed and stretched thin, she understands how to budget to care for herself and her family. However, as costs continue to rise, Gloria has had to get extra creative to cover everything her family needs. This includes caring for their beloved dog, Frosty.

The thought of choosing between a safe home to call their own, and her children’s best friend and confidante, broke Gloria’s heart. After all, Frosty offers their family emotional support and gives her and her children so much joy and comfort.

The devastation of losing their dog or facing eviction moved Gloria to seek emergency pet vaccine assistance. That’s when she reached out to The Arizona Pet Project for help!

Because of donations from compassionate people like you, The Arizona Pet Project team vaccinated Frosty.

Gloria, her children, and their dog no longer face eviction! This loving pet family is together and immensely grateful for support from our community who donate to The Arizona Pet Project, providing the funding needed to help pet families in crisis.

With a donation of $25, The Arizona Pet Project social workers were able to keep a loving pet family together, in their home, and help them navigate the emotional stresses of nearly facing eviction!

Can you donate $25 right now? Your tax-deductive gift to The Arizona Pet Project helps another loving pet family like Gloria’s when they need it most!

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