

Supporting Arizona Veterans and their Pets at The Arizona Veterans StandDown event

Mar 24, 2022

Earlier this month, The Arizona Pet Project team attended the Arizona Veterans StandDown event.

After connecting with several veterans in our community, while each family had its own unique needs, one thing was clear: their pet was a part of their family.

One of the veterans we spoke with said “I have cancer and a pit bull. We need to find a new place to live but nobody will take us because of his breed. I’m running out of time to find a new home. Without him, I won’t make it.”

When you support The Arizona Pet Project, you provide our community with critical services to ensure pets stay with their owners who love them and need them in their lives!

woman holding small white terrier mix

Thanks to supporters like YOU and a grant from the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services, The Arizona Pet Project was able to provide veterans and their pets in our community with:

  • Temporary boarding
  • Support meeting housing requirements (spay/neuter, licensing, vaccines, pet deposits)
  • Urgent and emergency veterinary care
  • Veteran pet food assistance and supplies

Every time you support The Arizona Pet Project, you provide critical resources to families and pets in our community to ensure cats and dogs are happy, healthy, and out of shelters and with their families who love and need them!

woman holding small white terrier mix

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