

A Well-Fed Pup and Her Veteran Dog Dad

Apr 13, 2022

Baby Gurl is Dale’s whole world and she provides him with companionship and joy. She is truly his best friend!

Like us, you know the human-animal bond is transformative. Cats and dogs provide their humans with an incredible amount of emotional support. 

And it’s especially true for veterans like Dale.

When Dale returned home after being hospitalized with a sudden medical issue, she was there for him to provide him comfort and emotional support while he healed. Then the medical bills started rolling in. 

Like so many in our community, medical expenses were forcing him to choose between paying bills and buying food. 

dog smiling and being pet by owner

Dale wanted to do absolutely everything he could to ensure Baby Gurl was happy, healthy, and well-fed. So he reached out to US Vets to ask for help. 

Thanks to supporters like you, and a new grant from the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services, US Vets knew we could help and connected us with Dale.

The Arizona Pet Project team dropped off food and supplies, making sure that Baby Gurl would never go hungry. 

Dale says “Baby Gurl has been a blessing in my life and makes me want to be better for her.” 

Dale says he is so grateful to The Arizona Pet Project’s community which cares about providing assistance to families and pets when they need a helping hand!

The Arizona Pet Project is committed to supporting Arizona veterans and their pets. And thanks to you, Baby Gurl has a full belly and has ALL the energy she needs to be there for her best friend and dog dad! 

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