

Removing Cleo the Chihuahua’s Mass

Sep 12, 2022

Removing Cleo the Chihuahua’s Mass

Brianna’s dog, Cleo the chihuahua, was a happy and spry pup. Then, she developed a mass that made it painful for her to move.

Brianna took her to the vet right away. She was relieved to learn that the mass that had grown inside Cleo was not cancer! Shortly after, her other dog caught Valley Fever. And, the expensive costs of treatment drained Brianna of every dollar she had.

Cleo the Chihuahua’s Mass Grew…and Grew Again

Despite facing financial hardship and spending all she had to care for her pets, Brianna was just happy her dogs were alive and beginning to recover!

Overtime, tragically, Cleo’s mass started to grow again.

Brianna was at a loss for words. Nonetheless, she wasn’t going to give up. In fact, Brianna would do anything and everything to save her sweet Cleo!

Ultimately, the problem was, with no money to care for herself or her pets, she was desperate to find a way to get the medical care Cleo so desperately needed.

You Saved Cleo the Chihuahua!

Well, thanks to compassionate donors like YOU, The Arizona Pet Project was able to help this family with medical resources!

The Arizona Pet Project covered all of the costs needed to remove Cleo’s mass. Then, got her the treatments she needed so she could begin to recover.

By the way, we are SO happy to share with you that Cleo is her happy, healthy, and energetic self again!

Brianna wanted us to tell you that she is grateful beyond words for people who donate to The Arizona Pet Project. And, for providing families in need in our community with emergency veterinary assistance.

No-Cost Surgery for Pets in Need

Situations like this one are exactly why The Arizona Pet Project has spent over $130,000 on emergency medical intervention this year. All in all, our goal is to help Arizona families and their pets in crisis.

In short, it wouldn’t be possible without donations from caring people like you!

THANK YOU for making a donation today and saving pets! Every donation adds up. Your gift helps families in crisis. And, ensures cats and dogs receive the medical care they need to live a long, healthy life! 

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