

A Happy Pippa Thanks to You!

Nov 12, 2020

Shelter Intervention Impact Story: Laurie and Her Beloved Pippa

What do you do if you get sick and have no support system to lean on to help you care for your pet?

Like us, we know you think of your pets as family, too. For our friend Laurie, her dog was all she had.

Pippa has been Laurie’s loyal and loving companion for 8 years. Pippa was her mom’s greatest source of comfort when she was experiencing excruciating pain. Feeling Pippa snuggled by her side and gently petting her soft fur gives Laurie strength to persevere.

When her doctor delivered the news that surgery was the only option to alleviate her chronic back pain, Laurie felt her world turn upside down. So many questions flooded her mind, but the foremost concern was her beloved Pippa. Laurie has no relatives to lean on or friends who were willing to keep and care for her dog for the amount of time it would take to fully recover from the procedure. She wouldn’t be able to lift Pippa onto the bed or couch, lean over to fill her bowls, or take her outside for weeks. Laurie thought her only choice was to surrender Pippa, magnifying her physical pain with emotional heart break. She desperately hoped someone out there would love her girl half as much as she did.

pippa smiling

Our Shelter Intervention counselor, Daniel, caught up with Laurie as she hurriedly left the shelter lobby fighting back tears. He soon learned this was the third shelter she had been to that day and each time she was told they could not take Pippa. She felt sad, and scared, and frustrated, but most of all she felt like she was simply out of options in her attempt to do what was best for her dog.

Thanks to you-our generous supporters, there was still hope.

Daniel explained to Laurie that The Arizona Pet Project and this compassionate community were here to support her. Your donations are providing care and boarding for Pippa while Laurie has her surgery and completes her recovery. Laurie and sweet Pippa will be reunited again as soon as possible.

Laurie was so grateful and repeatedly expressed her gratitude for your support through streaming tears of joy. She faces many medical challenges all on her own so to keep Pippa is truly a lifeline for her.

Pippa’s SmileHow about this smile?! We think little Pippa was equally happy to stay with her mom-right where she belongs. YOU made this moment possible because YOU are keeping this family together!

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