

When Kayla lost her job during the pandemic, YOU were there to keep her and her dogs together!

Jun 11, 2021

When Kayla was laid off during the pandemic, she could no longer afford her apartment and was forced to move back home with her parents. The problem was, her parents were preparing to sell their home and Kayla could not keep her dogs there.

Devastated to have to choose between a roof over her head and staying with her beloved dogs, Kayla reached out to The Arizona Pet Project for help. Kayla tells us her dogs, Presley and Presto, are her “boys” and she truly loves these dogs!

two photos of a woman with her dog

Thanks to generous donations from supporters like YOU, we were able to put Kayla’s 2 dogs into temporary housing at Lost Our Home where they were happy, healthy, and safe while Kayla found a new job and found a new apartment for her and her dogs to move into.

Like so many Arizona residents, Kayla became unemployed during the pandemic and was at the end of her rope. Thankfully, our supporters were there to help her and her sweet pups when they needed it most! We are happy to share that Kayla and her pups are now reunited!


Quote says "The pet boarding assistance was a HUGE blessing, and I would not have known what I would have done without your help. Thank you SO much!"

When you support The Arizona Pet Project, you keep Arizona families like Kayla’s together and give dogs and cats a 2nd chance—a chance to stay with the family that loves them!

Our mission is to support families and pets and to keep as many loved animals out of crowded Valley shelters as possible. Our intervention program exists to make sure shelters are a place of last resort — a place for pets who truly have nowhere else to go.

Together, we’ve helped thousands of families through this pandemic, but our work is far from done. Valley shelters are now seeing an increase in animal surrender, and this means you have an opportunity to provide support to families who love their pets but are facing a crisis. Let’s work together to keep fewer loved cats and dogs out of the shelter by offering the support families need in their time of crisis.

woman taking a selfie with her dog sitting on the couch

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