

Safety and Companionship for Sarah and her dog

Jul 7, 2021

We met Sarah through our partnership with Sojourner Center, which is a safe haven from domestic violence for women and their children here in the Valley.

YOU were there for Sarah and her dog when they needed a helping hand!

FYI: To protect the safety of this family, the photo is a stock image and names have been changed.

When Sarah fled to safety at Sojourner Center, a domestic violence shelter, she brought her dog along to ensure her beloved animal companion would be safe by her side. Luckily, Sojourner Center understands that many people in domestic violence situations don’t leave their abusers if they can’t bring their pets. To make sure families don’t have to choose between safety and their pets, they offer a pet companion shelter where families and pets fleeing domestic violence can seek shelter together. As an animal lover, we know you understand how crucial our beloved pets are in our time of crisis. And, they do too.

Unfortunately, with the stress of a new environment, Sarah’s dog accidentally bit another dog at the pet companion shelter. Sarah was devastated at the thought of losing her beloved animal over one hapless accident. Desperate to keep this loving family together, Sojourner Center contacted The Arizona Pet Project to see what we could to do keep Sarah with her dog while Sarah was seeking safe shelter.

Thanks to generosity from people like YOU, Sarah could continue to stay at Sojourner’s Center while her dog was brought to temporary boarding. With your help, our organization was able to pay for Sarah’s dog to stay at Heidi’s Village while the family searches for permanent housing and a new life free of fear. We’re told that Sarah goes to visit her dog whenever she can, and she’s grateful for people who understand how important her dog is to her!

The Arizona Pet Project is committed to ensuring no family fleeing domestic abuse has to choose between safety and their pets.

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