

Fighting Cancer and Facing Homelessness

Nov 11, 2020

Here at The Arizona Pet Project, we care about all the pets and families we assist. However, once in a while there is a case that deeply reminds us why our mission is so important.

Hollywood sitting on mom’s lapTara has been dealt a difficult hand in life. She survived breast cancer once but recently found herself facing this tough battle yet again. Her devoted husband takes on as many hours at work as possible to try to keep them afloat. Despite these struggles, they find strength and comfort in each other and the companionship of their beloved dogs, Scooby and Hollywood.


But, this bonded family found themselves at risk of separation last week. Their entire apartment complex was notified by management that if they were not in compliance with lease and pet policy requirements by the end of the day, they would be facing eviction. Can you imagine?

Being homeless while battling breast cancer is, understandably, not an option. With just enough to cover daily bills and medical expenses for her treatment, there was no extra money to cover the required pet deposit. Having no other option, Tara arrived at the shelter utterly devastated, as she prepared to surrender Scooby and Hollywood. Her only hope was that they would find someone who would adore them half as much as she and her husband did.

Can you even imagine how heartbroken Tara felt as she walked through the lobby doors?


Unfortunately, Tara was not aware of the need to have an appointment in order to surrender. She became hysterical and through tears desperately explained, “I have to leave them or I lose my home!” A shelter supervisor and our intervention counselor ran out after her and caught her outside.

They were able to calm her down to explain that thanks to YOU, our compassionate donors, there was still hope.

Your generous support funded the necessary vaccines, license, and pet deposit in order to send Scooby and Hollywood home with their mom- exactly where they belong!

Tara said with such emotion, “I didn’t know this help was available. I never thought people would be this supportive and kind.”

To know she could keep the pups she had adopted over a decade ago brought her to tears. Tara explained some days are far tougher than others, physically and emotionally, but Scooby and Hollywood give her strength to continue fighting.

Thank you for preserving love and life-saving companionship for Tara, and all the families we serve.

Your support makes such a difference for pets and people in our community. Will you consider making a donation for $5 Friday so we can be there for the next bonded family in need?


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