

From Stray Dog to Loved Companion, Mister is Healthy Thanks to You!

Jan 26, 2023

While out on her morning walk, Sue watched in horror as a bicyclist racing down the street hit a dog so fast she didn’t even have enough time to yell out for him to stop.

Knocked down by the force of the speeding bicycle, the dog had several scrapes and was limping from pain.

It turns out the injured dog was a stray. Hurt from the accident and with no family to mend his wounds, Sue knew that she was destined to be there for him and that they were meant to be together from that day forward.

Sue, who lives in a senior living facility, didn’t hesitate to bring the injured dog back to her home until they could get him seen by a veterinarian. Living on a fixed income, Sue knew she would need help affording this unexpected expense.

Thanks to donations from supporters like you, The Arizona Pet Project team sent Mister to be evaluated by one of our veterinary partners. As expected, they found scrapes and bruises but also health problems that went deeper than the surface-level injuries from the bicycle accident. He had an infection throughout his entire body, which affected his ears, teeth, and prostate, along with a concerning mass.

We’re so grateful that we could be there to help Sue navigate his health issues, provide medication, schedule him for surgery, and get him on his way toward healing! All because of donations from supporters like you!

While Sue was nervous about the pup’s health, she was also happy she made a friend that day. She named him Mister, and they’ve been inseparable ever since!

Sue and Mister, thank you for helping people and pets in times of crisis.

Your donations to The Arizona Pet Project ensure pets are kept happy, healthy, and kept in homes where they are loved and cared for. And every time you donate to The Arizona Pet Project, you extend a helping hand to people and pets just like Sue and Mister—thank you! 

Thank you for helping Arizona’s seniors and their loved pets!

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