

You kept Whinny safe and together with her family!

Aug 10, 2021

Taydra’s sweet pup, Whinny, is her everything! When Taydra was unsheltered and living in homelessness, she and Whinny looked to each other for companionship, safety, and emotional support. In the short time they have been together, these two best friends have become inseparable!

When Taydra learned that charges stemming from prior incidents meant she would have to leave her sweet Whinny behind for six months, she was desperate to find a way to keep her dog safe and sound until she was released from jail. People experiencing homelessness are often charged with minor offenses like trespassing while looking for a place to sleep and simply trying to survive. Once they’re in the system their issues are compounded as they can’t afford bail and court fines. What a tragic reason to lose your canine best friend!

Learning about Taydra’s situation, we knew we had to help! But the problem is most temporary care programs that would provide boarding have a maximum of 90-days. So, together, The Arizona Pet Project and our friends at Lost Our Home began reaching out to our extended network of partners to find a solution that would keep Whinny safe until Taydra was released from jail and they could be reunited again.

Thankfully, with help from Lost Our Home, we were able to connect with our new friends at Almost Home Pet Hotel at Hunkapi Farms to secure temporary boarding and care for Whinny while Taydra is away! Almost Home Pet Hotel allows people without housing to get back on their feet without having to worry about losing their beloved pets.

This was exactly the extra help that Taydra and Whinny needed!

Everyone deserves the love and companionship pets bring. The human-animal bond is incredibly transformative and emotional, and for Taydra, when her life was turning upside down, all she could think about was who would take care of her beloved animal while she was away.

When you support organizations like The Arizona Pet Project, you are helping families in our community when they need it most. People like you are the reason we have on-staff the State of Arizona’s only certified veterinary social worker. Their job is to connect people in need with the resources necessary to keep their families whole, healthy, and safe. THANK YOU for supporting our organization and making the work we do possible!

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