Emergency Pet Vaccine Assistance for Families in Crisis

Emergency Pet Vaccine Assistance for Families in Crisis

Gloria, her children, and their dog, Frosty, were facing eviction when their apartment management demanded their dog’s vaccines be up-to-date. This urgent need for emergency pet vaccine assistance was a stark reminder of the precarious situation many families find...
Mercy C.A.R.E.S. Grant Recipient: The Arizona Pet Project

Mercy C.A.R.E.S. Grant Recipient: The Arizona Pet Project

Mercy C.A.R.E.S. Grant Recipient, The Arizona Pet Project, Offers Health Equity Initiatives Supporting Pet Families The Arizona Pet Project was named one of the Mercy C.A.R.E.S. grant recipients and we received a $207,000 grant! Each year, Mercy C.A.R.E.S. awards...

Safety and Good Health For This Family

When a concerned dog mom reached out to our team for help, we learned that she and her dog had escaped a domestic violence situation. Living on a fixed income and with a disability, her resources are budgeted to the extreme. Planning and budgeting everything down to...
Dental Work for Bella

Dental Work for Bella

Losing appetite: every dog owner’s nightmare. That’s what veterinarians will ask us when our dog is feeling unwell: “Is your pet eating?” And when they aren’t eating, sure enough, that’s one of the ways you can tell something could be incredibly wrong. Most of us know...
This Cat Family of 7 Thanks You!

This Cat Family of 7 Thanks You!

Our team helped Mark, who took in 7 (eek!) of his brother’s cats when he passed away. We were so touched when Mark shared that he felt “it was the right thing to do” when his brother passed away to ensure his cats remained together. After honoring his brother by...