

Dental Surgery for Andy

Feb 24, 2024

Meet Andy! He’s one of the thousands of pups you’ll help this year through your support of The Arizona Pet Project! 

When forced to choose between caring for herself or caring for her dogs, Vicki will always choose to put her dogs’ comfort before hers.

The problem was, while Vicki continues to live on a tight budget, she was faced with unexpected and expensive veterinary bills when one of her dogs, her sweet Andy, became sick.

After multiple visits to the vet, multiple tests run, and all of her funds drained bringing Andy to the vet, Vicki learned that he also needed teeth extractions due to dental disease.

Vicki does all that she can to provide for Andy while living on a limited income. Putting her dogs first has never been a problem for her, but the dental care Andy needed to treat his dental disease was simply beyond what Vicki could manage.

Our team connected Andy with our veterinary partner and he received dental extractions and take-home medications including antibiotics and pain medication. And we are pleased to share with you that Andy is now recovering at home and by Vicki’s side—right where he belongs! 🐾 💙

Because of donations from caring folks like you, The Arizona Pet Project is able to support families facing hardship while caring for their pets.

The human-animal bond is an incredibly healing relationship, and like Vicki, so many of us rely on our pets for emotional support. THANK YOU for your commitment to supporting Arizona families and their pets when they need it most just like Vicki and Andy!

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