The Arizona Pet Project

Supporting Families. Saving Pets.

senior woman and her dog

Cheryl is nearly 70 years old and with a fixed income, she barely scrapes by.  She shares her home with her pets who are her family. Last year was traumatic when a catastrophic house fire broke out in the home that she shares with her pets.

Thankfully everyone survived, but when her dog, Gizmo, suddenly fell ill, she learned she would have to come up with $3,000 for veterinary treatment to treat his painful infection. With no extra money to her name, she was out of options.

But thankfully, because of donors like YOU, The Arizona Pet Project was able to help Cheryl and get Gizmo seen by one of our vet partners right away so we could begin treating his tooth root abscess. Fast forward to today, Cheryl is home again, and she is reunited with all of her pets. And Gizmo is healthy thanks to our compassionate supporters!

Together, we have accomplished so much to help Arizona families and their pets. But our work is far from done. Will you make your most generous gift today to help even MORE families and their beloved pets this holiday season?